A message from our CEO:

As CEO of Bethel Health and Healing Network since July 2022, I am excited to have a Senior Management Team filled with strong, empowering women. These women bring a passion for the work they and their teams carry out on a day-to-day basis through Rapha Listening Service and Bethel Doulas. They are also key assets within their broader communities, often giving their time freely to support others in need. As one of far too few female CEOs, I count it a privilege to have the opportunity to use this leadership position to give a hand up to other ambitious and skilled women who want to change the world, one programme at a time. A quote shared by a dear friend of mine on our women’s WhatsApp Group was from Serena Williams: “The success of every woman should be an inspiration to another; we’re strongest when we cheer each other on”. I firmly believe that, as we celebrate International Women’s Day, let’s think about keeping ourselves well and rested and seek out opportunities to lift one another up.
#IWD2023 #EmbraceEquity #womensday2023